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Website Page Optimisation

Reviewing and updating your web pages to boost your rankings

Making your pages fit the bill

Search engines like Google have strict rules to follow, and woe betide websites that don’t know this or don’t care! An optimisation strategy that fails to implement search engine-friendly practices is destined to go nowhere.

We’ve lived through every Google update since 2002, so we know exactly what to do – and what not to do – to give your website the strongest foundation possible.


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Page enhancement (or on-page SEO) is hugely important when optimising a website, but in the general move towards profile building, it is often overlooked.

Without close attention to making sure that your pages are easily recognised by search engines, you will lose relevance in their algorithms - and their rankings.

On-page SEO involves making sure that a host of factors conform to best practice. This can then extend to enhancing your code to help search engines further.

Needless to say, this is a vital part of any worthwhile SEO strategy and failing to pay due attention to it will hamper the effectiveness of your campaigns. In fact, if you have neglected on-page elements of SEO, this would be the first place to start work.

Technical page audit

There are a number of potential onsite issues that can make it difficult for search engines to crawl and index your site, which in turn, will negatively impact your search engine rankings. So the first stage of our page enhancement process is a thorough technical page audit. We will meticulously review your website, analysing elements such as your meta data, page titles and use of keywords to see if they are all performing optimally. We will check whether structured titles and headers, and even optimised image names and tags, are in place on your pages. We will identify issues like hidden content or links which may be deprecated by Google. The audit will identify any relevant problems, which we will then rectify so we build a solid foundation for further work.

Fixing and moving forward

At Two Digital, we will correct any problems with the website (and it can be surprising how many attractive and well-run sites have significant issues).

We can then address any problems and enhance the web pages with advanced code like Schema.org mark-up.  You will then have technically sound pages that provide relevant information to search engines in a format they recognise immediately, and thereby a solid base on which to build your rankings.

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